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Code and Data Generation

Support mainstream game engines and platforms

  • unity
  • unreal
  • cocos2d-x
  • godot
  • egret
  • WeChat Mini Game Platform
  • Other small game platforms that support js

Support mainstream thermal solutions

  • HybridCLR
  • {x,t,s...}lua
  • ILRuntime
  • puerts
  • other
  • skynet
  • ET
  • GameFramework
  • QFramework
  • other

Support mainstream game development languages

  • c# (.net framework 4+. dotnet core 3+)
  • java (1.6+)
  • go (1.10+)
  • lua (5.1+)
  • typescript (3.0+)
  • python (3.0+)
  • c++ (11+)。
  • erlang (18+). The classic version is supported by Luban and has not been migrated to the current version yet.
  • rust (1.5+). The classic version is supported by Luban and has not been migrated to the current version yet.
  • godot. The classic version is supported by Luban and has not been migrated to the current version yet.

It is very easy to customize or extend support for new languages.

Supported Data Formats


In the same format, the data generated for different languages is exactly the same

  • binary format. The format is compact and efficient to load, but basically unreadable. Recommended for official releases only.
  • bin-offset format. Record the index position of each record in the data file exported in bin format, which can be used for lazy loading with record granularity|
  • standard json format
  • protobuf bin and json
  • flatbuffers json
  • msgpack
  • -lua
  • -xml
  • -erlang
  • -yaml

bin-offset format

Sometimes you don't want to load the entire table directly, but you want to use the record as the granularity, and then load a certain record when you access the record. The bin-offset format records the offset of each record in the bin file in the bin format, so that when a record is accessed, if it is not loaded, the data at the corresponding offset is directly read from the bin file.

bin-offset serializes the key and offset information of each record in record order.

| record_index 1 | record_index 2| ... | record_index n|

The implementation of record_index k is to serialize all the keys of the record, and then serialize the offset of the record.

buf. Write(key1);
buf. Write(key2);
buf. Write(Key N);
buf. WriteSize(offset);

It can be understood more clearly directly from the source code of bin-offset.

     // x is the output bin-offset file
private void WriteList(DefTable table, List<Record> datas, ByteBuf x)
// buf corresponds to the output bin file
ByteBuf buf = new ByteBuf();
buf. WriteSize(datas. Count);
foreach (var d in datas)
foreach (var indexInfo in table. IndexList)
DType keyData = d.Data.Fields[indexInfo.IndexFieldIdIndex];
// Serialize each key of the record
keyData.Apply(BinaryDataVisitor.Ins, x);
// The offset of the serialized record
x. WriteSize(buf. Size);
d.Data.Apply(BinaryDataVisitor.Ins, buf);

The formats supported by different languages are as follows:

In the same language, different codes need to be generated for loading different data formats. That is, the code target and data target must match.



For details, see Command-line Tools.