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Add Luban To Your Project

Install dotnet SDK

Follow the Quick Start requirements and install dotnet sdk 8.0.

Download luban_examples project

Download the luban_examples project using git clone or zip download.

Compile Luban (optional)

Generally, the luban_examples/Tools/Luban directory already contains the latest Luban binary code. If you want to compile it yourself, follow these steps:

  • Clone Luban to the same directory as luban_examples (i.e. luban and luban_examples are in the same directory), the directory name must be luban

  • Run luban_examples/Tools/build-luban.bat

If everything goes well, the luban_examples/Tools/Luban directory will be replaced with the latest version of Luban binary code.

Copy Luban tools to your project

Most projects generally have a dedicated directory for these third-party tools, such as {proj}/Tools, copy luban_examples/Tools/Luban to any suitable directory.

Create a planning configuration directory

Copy luban_examples/MiniTemplate to the appropriate location of the project, such as {proj}. It is recommended to rename MiniTemplate to DataTables or another name, and it is recommended to keep the original name of the subdirectory under MiniTemplates.

Modify luban.conf

The location of the Luban tool is different for each project, so you need to modify the path of Luban.dll in the gen.bat (or command. Assume that you copied the MiniTemplate directory to the {DataTables} directory of your project.

Open DataTbles\luban.conf and replace %WORKSPACE%\Tools\Luban\Luban.dll in set LUBAN_DLL=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Luban\Luban.dll with the actual directory of Luban.dll.

Luban.dll is in the Luban tool directory.

At this time, run {DataTables}/gen.bat to ensure that it can run correctly.

Add gen.bat scripts for client and server

Create gen_client.bat script in the appropriate location of the client, the content is as follows:

set GEN_CLIENT={path to Luban.dll}
set CONF_ROOT={path to DataTables directory}

dotnet %GEN_CLIENT% ^
-t client ^
-c cs-simple-json ^
-d json ^
--conf %CONF_ROOT%\luban.conf ^
-x outputCodeDir={path to generated code} ^
-x outputDataDir={path to generated data}

Please replace -c cs-simple-json and -d json according to the actual language used and the exported data format.


Luban will delete all other files in the outputCodeDir directory when it is generated. Please provide a separate directory for it. Do not point to the Assets/Scripts directory, as it will delete other code files! The same applies to outputDataDir.

Create the gen_server.bat script in the appropriate location of the server, with the following content:

set GEN_CLIENT={path to Luban.dll}
set CONF_ROOT={path to DataTables directory}

dotnet %GEN_CLIENT% ^
-t server ^
-c cs-dotnet-json ^
-d json ^
--conf %CONF_ROOT%\luban.conf ^
-x outputCodeDir={path to generated code} ^
-x outputDataDir={path to generated data}

Please replace -c cs-dotnet-json and -d json according to the actual language used and the exported data format.

Load configuration at runtime

Please see the next section Load configuration at runtime.